Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy holidays!!!

            I love christmas! Its my favorite time of year. So, to get into the spirit, heres a christmas story.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fred and the air gun

                A while ago, my dads family owned a little black poodle named fred. Fred was a healthy pup, but kind of nervous. And for good reason.  my grandpa had an air gun, the kind that you pump up .The gun would shoot puffs of air across the house. He used to take the gun, shoot a burst of air, and watch as fred leaped into the air yelping. The dog was terrified of the blast, and used to attack the gun when he noticed my grandpa with it. Who could blame him?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dog stories

   Ok, so I know most of you out there have dogs (or any pet for that matter). I have two of my own, so i know for a fact, that they are not the smartest of beings. And its this lack of intelligence that lets them be so darn funny!! Every day about a thousand things make me laugh, and half of them are done by my dogs. So if you have a funny pet, or know someone with a funny pet, send in your stories!And I will post some of my own. Thanx!  =)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thanksgiving...the start of the christmas shopping spree

       Bluuuurrrgggg. i ate too much halloween candy. It sucked that it was on a sunday this year. It would have sucked even more if it were on a monday. The only other time i ever feel this full is on thanksgiving. Good lord. I swear, last year i almost puked...but it was awesome!! My grandma invites the entire family to her house and my mom and i get to help her bake the turkey. Some people bring deviled eggs, some people bring sauce, some people bring salad or pie or... i could go on forever. Sometimes it doesent all fit on her table, and we have to overflow onto her counter. We were in target the other day, getting halloween candy, and they already had christmas stuff! They comepleteley skipped thanks giving. They even have commercials already, they have been going on for like a month. And it sucks because christmas is the time of year with the most annoying songs!! my god! they stick in your head and drive you crazy.AAAAUUUGGGHHHH!!!! Any way ... i have to go, my dogs eating my shoe, bye!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


omigosh! its here, its here, its here, its here! halloween is finnally here ! today is the day when we stay up untill the small  hours ,stuffing our faces, and skaring the pants off our neighbors ! ahhh, yes it is a wonderful day today.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Costumes, and pumpkin carving patterns.

                 There are so many different costumes 2 choose from this year! U can be pretty much anything u can think of, the list just goes on and on. I for one was a hogwarts student last year (have i mentioned i worship harry potter?) I had the full outfit, i had the robe, the tie, the white collared shirt, i even had that sweater with the house colors on it. This year im going to be alice in wonderland, the movie was awesome! Im still geekin  out about it! But my coustume is more of the old alice than the new one. i have the little blue dress and white apron and black ribbon. Also last year i carved jack sparrow into my pumpkin, this year its a unicorn. i think its pretty cool lookin. Zombie pumpkins is a really good website for pumpkin patterns.  you can pretty much find costumes anywhere.            

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My doggies!!!

I am new to blog spot so  I am just getting settled in. I just finished filling out my profile and im in the picture taking mood. So here are some pics of my special puppys! The boston is dobby, the mastiff is samantha.